
Useful PostgreSQL commands for command line

Certainly! Here are some useful PostgreSQL commands that you can use via the command line interface (CLI), specifically through the psql utility. These commands help you interact with your PostgreSQL database for various purposes, from administrative tasks to data manipulation: Connecting to a PostgreSQL Database: Listing Databases and Tables: Switching Databases: Viewing Table Structure: Executing

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A computer screen with the words set kubernetes 1 cluster on kubernetes 7.

Setup Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster on CentOS 7.6

This tutorial will showcase the step-by-step process of setting up a Kubernetes 1.14 Cluster, allowing organizations and communities to leverage exciting new features that have been eagerly anticipated. Especially when it comes to Windows containers. Kubernetes now offers windows containers out of the box and allows you to add windows nodes to a Kubernetes cluster.

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