TEKSpace Blog https://blog.tekspace.io/ Tech tutorials for Linux, Kubernetes, PowerShell, and Azure Sun, 03 Nov 2024 20:56:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://blog.tekspace.io/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/cropped-Tekspace-logo-icon-32x32.png TEKSpace Blog https://blog.tekspace.io/ 32 32 APISIX Digital Ocean Setup https://blog.tekspace.io/apisix-digital-ocean-setup/ https://blog.tekspace.io/apisix-digital-ocean-setup/#respond Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:53:27 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1866 Helm repo setup Set to version 3 Install APISIX Make sure you have access to Kubernetes cluster using kubeconfig file

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Helm repo setup

    helm repo add apisix https://charts.apiseven.com
    helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
    helm repo update

    Set to version 3

    #  We use Apisix 3.0 in this example. If you're using Apisix v2.x, please set to v2

    Install APISIX

    Make sure you have access to Kubernetes cluster using kubeconfig file

    helm upgrade --install apisix apisix/apisix \
      --set gateway.type=LoadBalancer \
      --set service.type=LoadBalancer \
      --set ingress-controller.enabled=true \
      --create-namespace \
      --namespace ingress-apisix \
      --set ingress-controller.config.apisix.serviceNamespace=ingress-apisix \
      --set ingress-controller.config.apisix.adminAPIVersion=$ADMIN_API_VERSION

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    How to generate private and public keys using OpenSSL command https://blog.tekspace.io/how-to-generate-private-and-public-keys-using-openssl-command/ https://blog.tekspace.io/how-to-generate-private-and-public-keys-using-openssl-command/#respond Wed, 19 Jun 2024 20:46:57 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1863 To generate private key, execute below command: Step 1. Generate the private key: Step 2: Generate the Public Key from the Private Key: Step 3: Convert the Private Key to Base64: Step 4: Convert the Public Key to Base64: The -A flag in the openssl base64 command ensures that the Base64 output is in a

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    To generate private key, execute below command:

    Step 1. Generate the private key:

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048

    Step 2: Generate the Public Key from the Private Key:

    openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

    Step 3: Convert the Private Key to Base64:

    openssl base64 -A -in private_key.pem -out private_key_base64.txt

    Step 4: Convert the Public Key to Base64:

    openssl base64 -A -in public_key.pem -out public_key_base64.txt

    The -A flag in the openssl base64 command ensures that the Base64 output is in a single line.

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    Setup SFTP Server And Users In Ubuntu Linux https://blog.tekspace.io/setup-sftp-server-and-users-in-ubuntu-linux/ https://blog.tekspace.io/setup-sftp-server-and-users-in-ubuntu-linux/#respond Thu, 30 May 2024 20:03:06 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1853 In Linux, chroot stands for change root. It is a process of creating a jailed environment for a calling process (e.g., SFTP) to isolate it from the rest of the system. SFTP (Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol) is a means of transferring files securely from a client to a server over a network. Sometimes, you

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    In Linux, chroot stands for change root. It is a process of creating a jailed environment for a calling process (e.g., SFTP) to isolate it from the rest of the system.

    SFTP (Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol) is a means of transferring files securely from a client to a server over a network.

    Sometimes, you may want to grant SFTP access to allow users to upload files on your Linux server. However, this could pose a security risk to the entire file system.

    To mitigate this risk, chroot is used. It changes the root directory of the user during an SFTP session, ensuring isolation from the main system.

    Chrooted users cannot break the jail but can still run standard SFTP commands to manage their directories and files.

    This is a step-by-step guide for creating an SFTP chroot environment on an Ubuntu 16.04 instance that locks users to their home directory while restricting shell access for security purposes.


    • A Linux server running Ubuntu 16.04.
    • A non-root user with sudo privileges

    Step 1: Creating an SFTP Group

    To manage chrooted users, create a group using the groupadd command:

    sudo groupadd sftpusers

    Replace sftpusers with your preferred group name.

    Step 2: Setting Up OpenSSH

    SFTP operates over SSH and inherits its security features, including data encryption that prevents password sniffing and man-in-the-middle attacks.

    OpenSSH reads configuration settings from /etc/ssh/sshd_config. Modify this file using a text editor such as nano:

    sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

    Locate the line:

    #Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server

    And change it to:

    Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

    Add the following lines at the end of the file:

    Match Group sftpusers
        ChrootDirectory %h
        X11Forwarding no
        AllowTcpForwarding no
        ForceCommand internal-sftp

    Ensure to replace sftpusers with the group name you created.

    Explanation of Configuration:

    • Subsystem sftp internal-sftp: Configures the in-process SFTP server, simplifying chroot configurations.
    • Match Group sftpusers: Applies the settings to users in the sftpusers group.
    • ChrootDirectory %h: Restricts users to their home directory.
    • X11Forwarding no: Disables X11 forwarding to limit access to graphical applications.
    • AllowTcpForwarding no: Disables TCP forwarding to enhance security.
    • ForceCommand internal-sftp: Ensures only the SFTP process runs upon login.

    Restart the SSH daemon after making changes:

    sudo service ssh restart

    Step 3: Configuring User Accounts

    Create and configure user accounts. For example, to create a user named jacob:

    sudo adduser jacob

    Follow the prompts to set the user password and details. By default, this command creates a home directory /home/jacob. Add the user to the sftpusers group:

    sudo usermod -G sftpusers jacob

    Change the ownership of the user’s home directory to root:

    sudo chown root:root /home/jacob

    Set the appropriate permissions:

    sudo chmod 755 /home/jacob

    Create subdirectories within the user’s home and assign ownership:

    sudo mkdir /home/jacob/outbound
    sudo chown jacob:jacob /home/jacob/outbound
    sudo mkdir /home/jacob/inbound
    sudo chown jacob:jacob /home/jacob/inbound
    sudo chmod 700 /home/jacob/inbound

    chmod 700 only allows jacob user to read and write and will not allow any other user to read.

    Step 4: Testing the Configuration

    Connect to your server using SFTP with the newly created user:

    sftp jacob@<your-vps-ip>

    Verify the connection by running the pwd command:

    sftp> pwd
    Remote working directory: /

    Step 5: Confirming Shell Access Restriction

    Attempt to connect via SSH with the restricted user credentials. If the setup is correct, shell access should be denied.

    Congratulations! You have successfully created a chroot environment with SFTP access for your users.

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    Basic Authentication in PowerShell Using Invoke-RestMethod https://blog.tekspace.io/basic-authentication-in-powershell-using-invoke-restmethod/ https://blog.tekspace.io/basic-authentication-in-powershell-using-invoke-restmethod/#respond Thu, 23 May 2024 14:32:10 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1849 Learn how to use basic authentication with PowerShell's Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet. Follow our step-by-step guide and secure your REST API requests.

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    Basic authentication is a simple and widely used method for making authenticated requests to web services. In PowerShell, the Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet is a powerful tool for interacting with REST APIs. This blog post will guide you through the basics of using Invoke-RestMethod with basic authentication, complete with example code to illustrate the process.

    Understanding Basic Authentication

    Basic authentication is a method where the client sends the username and password encoded in Base64 as part of the request header. It’s important to note that while easy to implement, basic authentication is not secure by itself and should always be used over HTTPS to protect the credentials.

    Using Invoke-RestMethod with Basic Authentication

    PowerShell’s Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet makes it straightforward to perform REST API requests. To use basic authentication, you’ll need to include an authorization header with your request. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    Step 1: Encode Credentials

    First, you need to encode your username and password in Base64. This can be done easily in PowerShell:

    # Define your username and password
    $username = "your_username"
    $password = "your_password"
    # Combine username and password
    $pair = "$username:$password"
    # Encode the combined string in Base64
    $encodedCredentials = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
    # Create the authorization header
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = "Basic $encodedCredentials"

    Step 2: Make the REST API Request

    With the credentials encoded and the authorization header set, you can now use Invoke-RestMethod to make the authenticated request. Here’s an example:

    # Define the API endpoint URL
    $url = "https://api.example.com/data"
    # Make the request with the authorization header
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method Get
    # Output the response

    Complete Example

    Putting it all together, here is the complete example code:

    # Step 1: Encode credentials
    $username = "your_username"
    $password = "your_password"
    $pair = "$username:$password"
    $encodedCredentials = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
    $headers = @{
        Authorization = "Basic $encodedCredentials"
    # Step 2: Make the REST API request
    $url = "https://api.example.com/data"
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method Get
    # Output the response

    Benefits and Best Practices


    • Ease of Use: Basic authentication is simple to set up and use, making it suitable for quick tests and simple integrations.
    • Compatibility: It is widely supported across different platforms and programming languages.

    Best Practices

    • Use HTTPS: Always use HTTPS to encrypt the credentials and protect them from being intercepted.
    • Avoid Hardcoding Credentials: Store credentials securely and avoid hardcoding them in scripts. Use secure methods like environment variables or secure credential stores.
    • Rotate Credentials Regularly: Regularly update and rotate credentials to minimize security risks.

    Using Invoke-RestMethod with basic authentication in PowerShell is a straightforward process that involves encoding your credentials and setting the appropriate headers. While convenient, always ensure you are following best practices to keep your credentials secure. Happy scripting!

    By following this guide, you can easily integrate basic authentication into your PowerShell scripts and interact with REST APIs securely and efficiently.

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    How to create docker registry credentials using kubectl https://blog.tekspace.io/how-to-create-docker-registry-credentials-using-kubectl/ https://blog.tekspace.io/how-to-create-docker-registry-credentials-using-kubectl/#respond Tue, 19 Mar 2024 19:55:55 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1839 Dive into our comprehensive guide on seamlessly creating Docker registry credentials with kubectl. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced Kubernetes administrator, this article demystifies the process of securely managing Docker registry access. Learn the step-by-step method to generate and update your regcred secret for Docker registry authentication, ensuring your Kubernetes deployments can pull images without a hitch. Perfect for DevOps professionals and developers alike, this tutorial not only simplifies Kubernetes secrets management but also introduces best practices to maintain continuous access to private Docker images. Enhance your Kubernetes skills today and keep your containerized applications running smoothly.

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    Updating a Docker registry secret (often named regcred in Kubernetes environments) with new credentials can be essential for workflows that need access to private registries for pulling images. This process involves creating a new secret with the updated credentials and then patching or updating the deployments or pods that use this secret.

    Here’s a step-by-step guide to do it:

    Step 1: Create a New Secret with Updated Credentials

    1. Log in to Docker Registry: Before updating the secret, ensure you’re logged into the Docker registry from your command line interface so that Kubernetes can access it.
    2. Create or Update the Secret: Use the kubectl create secret command to create a new secret or update an existing one with your Docker credentials. If you’re updating an existing secret, you might need to delete the old secret first. To create a new secret (or replace an existing one)
    kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \
      --docker-server=<YOUR_REGISTRY_SERVER> \ # The URL of your Docker registry
      --docker-username=<YOUR_USERNAME> \ # Your Docker registry username
      --docker-password=<YOUR_PASSWORD> \ # Your Docker registry password
      --docker-email=<YOUR_EMAIL> \ # Your Docker registry email
      --namespace=<NAMESPACE> \ # The Kubernetes namespace where the secret will be used
      --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

    Replace <YOUR_REGISTRY_SERVER>, <YOUR_USERNAME>, <YOUR_PASSWORD>, <YOUR_EMAIL>, and <NAMESPACE> with your Docker registry details and the appropriate namespace. The --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f - part generates the secret definition and applies it to your cluster, effectively updating the secret if it already exists.

    Step 2: Update Deployments or Pods to Use the New Secret

    If you’ve created a new secret with a different name, you’ll need to update your deployment or pod specifications to reference the new secret name. This step is unnecessary if you’ve updated an existing secret.

    1. Edit Deployment or Pod Specification: Locate your deployment or pod definition files (YAML files) and update the imagePullSecrets section to reference the new secret name if it has changed.
    2. Apply the Changes: Use kubectl apply -f <deployment-or-pod-file>.yaml to apply the changes to your cluster.

    Step 3: Verify the Update

    Ensure that your deployments or pods can successfully pull images using the updated credentials.

    1. Check Pod Status: Use kubectl get pods to check the status of your pods. Ensure they are running and not stuck in a ImagePullBackOff or similar error status due to authentication issues.
    2. Check Logs: For further verification, check the logs of your pods or deployments to ensure there are no errors related to pulling images from the Docker registry. You can use kubectl logs <pod-name> to view logs.

    This method ensures that your Kubernetes deployments can continue to pull images from private registries without interruption, using the updated credentials.

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    SCP Command to copy files to new server https://blog.tekspace.io/scp-command-to-copy-files-to-new-server/ https://blog.tekspace.io/scp-command-to-copy-files-to-new-server/#respond Sun, 04 Feb 2024 18:55:06 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1822 To copy files from one server to another using scp (Secure Copy Protocol), you’ll need SSH access to both the source and the destination servers. The scp command can be used to securely transfer files between hosts on a network. Here’s the basic syntax to copy files from your local machine to a remote server:

    The post SCP Command to copy files to new server appeared first on TEKSpace Blog.

    To copy files from one server to another using scp (Secure Copy Protocol), you’ll need SSH access to both the source and the destination servers. The scp command can be used to securely transfer files between hosts on a network. Here’s the basic syntax to copy files from your local machine to a remote server:

    scp [OPTION] [user@]SRC_HOST:]file1 [user@]DEST_HOST:]file2

    Here are some examples of how you can use scp:

    1. Copying a file from your local machine to a remote server:
       scp /path/to/local/file username@remote_server:/path/to/remote/directory

    This command copies a file from your local machine to the specified directory on the remote server. Replace /path/to/local/file with the path to the file you want to copy, username with your username on the remote server, remote_server with the IP address or hostname of the remote server, and /path/to/remote/directory with the destination directory on the remote server.

    1. Copying a file from a remote server to your local machine:
       scp username@remote_server:/path/to/remote/file /path/to/local/directory

    This does the opposite of the first example: it copies a file from the remote server to your local machine.

    1. Copying a directory recursively from your local machine to a remote server:
       scp -r /path/to/local/directory username@remote_server:/path/to/remote/directory

    The -r option is used to copy directories recursively. Replace /path/to/local/directory with the path to the local directory you want to copy, and adjust the other placeholders as in the previous examples.

    1. Copying a file from one remote server to another remote server:
       scp username1@remote_server1:/path/to/file username2@remote_server2:/path/to/directory

    This command copies a file directly between two remote servers. You will need to have SSH access from the source server to the destination server for this to work without prompting for a password mid-transfer.

    Remember to replace placeholders like username, remote_server, /path/to/local/file, and /path/to/remote/directory with your actual user names, server addresses, and file paths. If the SSH server is running on a port other than the default (22), you can specify the port with the -P option, like so: scp -P port_number ....

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    Useful PostgreSQL commands for command line https://blog.tekspace.io/useful-postgresql-commands-for-command-line/ https://blog.tekspace.io/useful-postgresql-commands-for-command-line/#respond Sun, 04 Feb 2024 18:03:45 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1818 Certainly! Here are some useful PostgreSQL commands that you can use via the command line interface (CLI), specifically through the psql utility. These commands help you interact with your PostgreSQL database for various purposes, from administrative tasks to data manipulation: Connecting to a PostgreSQL Database: Listing Databases and Tables: Switching Databases: Viewing Table Structure: Executing

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    Certainly! Here are some useful PostgreSQL commands that you can use via the command line interface (CLI), specifically through the psql utility. These commands help you interact with your PostgreSQL database for various purposes, from administrative tasks to data manipulation:

    Connecting to a PostgreSQL Database:

    • Connect to a PostgreSQL database:
    psql -d database_name -U user_name
    • Connect to a PostgreSQL database on a specific host and port:
    psql -h host_name -p port_number -d database_name -U user_name

    Listing Databases and Tables:

    • List all databases: \l or \list
    • List all tables in the current database: \dt (for tables in the public schema) or \dt *.* (for tables in all schemas)

    Switching Databases:

    • Switch connection to another database: \c database_name

    Viewing Table Structure:

    • Describe a table’s structure (columns, types, etc.): \d table_name

    Executing SQL Queries:

    • Execute an SQL query directly from the command line:
    psql -d database_name -U user_name -c "SELECT * FROM table_name;"

    Exporting and Importing Data:

    • Export data to a file:
    psql -d database_name -U user_name -c "COPY table_name TO '/path/to/file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;"
    • Import data from a file:
    psql -d database_name -U user_name -c "\COPY table_name FROM '/path/to/file.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;"

    Managing Users and Permissions:

    • Create a new user: CREATE USER user_name WITH PASSWORD 'password';
    • Grant privileges to a user on a database: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name TO user_name;
    • Revoke privileges from a user on a database: REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE database_name FROM user_name;

    Database Maintenance:

    • Vacuum a database (clean up and optimize): VACUUM (VERBOSE, ANALYZE) table_name;
    • Reindex a database: REINDEX DATABASE database_name;
    • Show running queries: SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
    • Cancel a running query: SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid);

    Exiting psql:

    • Exit the psql utility: \q

    These commands cover a broad range of operations you might need to perform when managing PostgreSQL databases from the command line. Remember to replace placeholders like database_name, user_name, table_name, and file paths with your actual database names, user names, table names, and file paths.

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    PostgreSQL list database and query tables https://blog.tekspace.io/postgresql-list-database-and-query-tables/ https://blog.tekspace.io/postgresql-list-database-and-query-tables/#respond Sun, 04 Feb 2024 17:59:39 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1816 To interact with a PostgreSQL database, you typically use the psql command-line interface if you are working directly from the terminal or command prompt. Here are the basic commands you’ll need for listing databases, selecting a database to use, and querying tables within that database: or This command displays the list of databases along with

    The post PostgreSQL list database and query tables appeared first on TEKSpace Blog.

    To interact with a PostgreSQL database, you typically use the psql command-line interface if you are working directly from the terminal or command prompt. Here are the basic commands you’ll need for listing databases, selecting a database to use, and querying tables within that database:

    1. List all databases: To see all the databases in PostgreSQL, you use the command:



    This command displays the list of databases along with other information like the database owner, encoding, and access privileges.

    1. Use (or switch to) a specific database: To select a database to work with, you use the \c command followed by the name of the database. For example, if your database name is exampledb, you would use:
       \c exampledb

    This command connects you to the exampledb database, allowing you to execute queries against it.

    1. Query tables within the selected database:
    • List all tables: Once you’ve switched to your database, to see all the tables within that database, use the command: \dt This lists all the tables in the current database schema. If you want to see tables from all schemas, you can use: \dt *.*
    • Querying data from a table: To query data from a specific table, you use the standard SQL SELECT statement. For example, if you want to select all columns from a table named employees, you would use: SELECT * FROM employees;
    • Describing a table structure: To get detailed information about the columns of a table, you can use the \d command followed by the name of the table. For example: \d employees This command shows the column names, data types, and other information about the employees table.

    These are the basic commands to get started with managing and querying databases and tables in PostgreSQL. Remember, to use these commands, you need to have access to the PostgreSQL server and appropriate permissions to view and query the databases and tables.

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    Importing and Exporting Data in PostgreSQL https://blog.tekspace.io/importing-and-exporting-data-in-postgresql/ https://blog.tekspace.io/importing-and-exporting-data-in-postgresql/#respond Fri, 12 Jan 2024 16:53:49 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1810 Introduction Effectively managing data is a key aspect of database administration. In PostgreSQL, scenarios often arise where data needs to be exported from one database and imported into another. This post will detail a practical approach to exporting data from a PostgreSQL table and then importing it into another database using command-line tools. Exporting Data

    The post Importing and Exporting Data in PostgreSQL appeared first on TEKSpace Blog.


    Effectively managing data is a key aspect of database administration. In PostgreSQL, scenarios often arise where data needs to be exported from one database and imported into another. This post will detail a practical approach to exporting data from a PostgreSQL table and then importing it into another database using command-line tools.

    Exporting Data from PostgreSQL


    You want to export data from a specific table, named Application, in a case-sensitive manner from a PostgreSQL database.

    Solution: Using pg_dump

    pg_dump is a utility provided by PostgreSQL for backing up a database. It can export data in a format suitable for later restoration or transfer to another database.

    pg_dump -U acme_db_sandbox_user -h localhost -d acme_db_sandbox -t '"Application"' --column-inserts --data-only > output.sql
    • -U acme_db_sandbox_user: Specifies the user for database connection.
    • -h localhost: Targets the local machine for the database server.
    • -d acme_db_sandbox: Specifies the database from which to export.
    • -t '"Application"': Indicates the case-sensitive name of the table to export.
    • --column-inserts: Ensures the generation of INSERT statements with column names.
    • --data-only: Excludes database schema (structure) from the export, focusing only on the data.
    • > output.sql: Redirects the exported data to output.sql.

    This command generates an SQL file (output.sql) containing INSERT statements for each row in the Application table.

    Importing Data into PostgreSQL


    Now, you need to import the previously exported data into a different database.

    Solution: Using psql

    psql is a command-line interface used to interact with PostgreSQL. It allows you to execute SQL queries and run scripts.

    psql -h localhost -U acme_billing_db_sandbox_user -d acme_billing_db_sandbox -W -f output.sql
    • -h localhost: Connects to the PostgreSQL server on the local machine.
    • -U acme_billing_db_sandbox_user: Specifies the user for the target database.
    • -d acme_billing_db_sandbox: Designates the target database.
    • -W: Prompts for the user’s password as a security measure.
    • -f output.sql: Executes the SQL commands in output.sql.

    This command imports the data from output.sql into the specified database. Ensure that the target database has the appropriate table structure to accommodate the data.


    Transferring data between PostgreSQL databases can be efficiently handled using command-line tools like pg_dump and psql. This process involves exporting data in SQL format using pg_dump and then importing it with psql. This approach is particularly useful for database administrators and developers looking to manage data across different environments or systems.

    Remember, accurate knowledge of your database schema and careful command execution are key to successful data transfer. Happy database managing!

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    How to Disable Multi-Factor Authentication In Microsoft 365 https://blog.tekspace.io/how-to-disable-multi-factor-authentication-in-microsoft-365/ https://blog.tekspace.io/how-to-disable-multi-factor-authentication-in-microsoft-365/#respond Wed, 18 Oct 2023 20:28:26 +0000 https://blog.tekspace.io/?p=1802 Step 1: Go to Microsoft 365 Admin Center and sign in with your admin account. Step 2: Go to Users > Active Users. Step 3: Click on Multi-Factor Authentication A page with all the users will pop up. Step 4: Click on the user you would like to disable MFA: Step 5: Click on disable

    The post How to Disable Multi-Factor Authentication In Microsoft 365 appeared first on TEKSpace Blog.


    Step 1: Go to Microsoft 365 Admin Center and sign in with your admin account.

    Step 2: Go to Users > Active Users.

    Step 3: Click on Multi-Factor Authentication

    A page with all the users will pop up.

    Step 4: Click on the user you would like to disable MFA:

    Step 5: Click on disable and click yes

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